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Qi Wireless Charging | How to add Qi wireless charging capabilities to your smartphone

Qi wireless charging is becoming a popular buzzword in the smartphone industry - but what is it? We explain exactly what Qi wireless charging is, which phones are compatible and how to add the feature to an unsupported smartphone.


The term “wireless charging” is one that’s thrown around a lot by manufacturers and publications alike, but wireless charging can mean different things to different people. When many people refer to wireless charging, they’re actually referring to inductive charging – similar to the technology that the Apple Watch uses. Qi is a standard developed by the Wireless Power Consortium for inductive electrical power transfer over distances of up to 4cm.
The term “wireless charging” often gives people the misconception that your phone isn’t plugged in but will still charge. While that is technically true, the charging pad has to be plugged into a power supply, be it a wall plug, computer or power bank so you’re not completely free from wires.
Now that you know what Qi charging really is, how do you use it with your smartphone? Are all smartphones compatible? What alternatives are there?

Qi Charging: is my phone compatible?

There are a growing number of phones that come with the Qi charging feature, the issue is that many users aren’t aware of its presence. Phones that support Qi charging include:
  • HTC Droid DNA
  • HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE
  • HTC Droid Incredible 2
  • HTC Rezound
  • Nokia Lumia 920
  • Nokia Lumia 928
  • Nokia Lumia 929
  • Nokia Lumia 930
  • Nokia Lumia 1020
  • Nokia Lumia 1520
  • LG G3
  • LG G3 Prime
  • LG G3 Cat 6
  • LG G4
  • LG Optimus G Pro 2
  • LG Optimus G Pro
  • LG Spectrum
  • LG Optimus
  • LG Lucid 2
  • Google Nexus 4
  • Google Nexus 5
  • Google Nexus 6
  • Motorola Droid Maxx
  • Motorola Ultra M
  • Motorola Droid Bionic
  • Motorola Droid Turbo
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  • Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
  • Samsung Galaxy S3
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Samsung Galaxy S5
  • Samsung Galaxy S6
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 edge
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 active
  • Sony Xperia Z3
  • Sony Z3v
  • YotaPhone 2
 If your phone is compatible with Qi charging, all you need to do is purchase a Qi charging pad. Recently, IKEA announced that it would be launching a new line of furniture with Qi charging pads built into them. Imagine sitting in your front room, putting your phone on the table for it to start charging while you’re not using it. Fantastic.
As mentioned earlier, those of you that don’t want to shell out for a new furniture suite can pick up Qi charging pads cheaply enough. Samsung users can purchase a branded Samsung Qi charging pad for around £30 that matches the design aesthetic of the Galaxy S5 that also automatically shuts itself off once your phone has reached full charge.
Qi Wireless Charging | How to add Qi wireless charging capabilities to your smartphone Qi Wireless Charging | How to add Qi wireless charging capabilities to your smartphone Reviewed by Queency on 15:50:00 Rating: 5