Top 15 Shocking Moments of Nudity on Live TV
You and I probably take live TV for granted, because the technological
advancements we have today dwarf the huge strides that were made to
achieve this level of viewing pleasure. Therefore, we tend to think of
live TV as just another one of those things that are integral parts of
our society, a channel through which we can witness events happening
halfway around the globe in real time. The benefits of live TV are so
many that it would take us a very long time to list down each of them.
However, everything in the world, including live TV, has a good and a
bad side.
One major challenge of live TV is that the producers of a show do not have time to edit any content that is getting to the viewers, leaving them at the mercy of whatever will happen at the show. This disadvantage has led to the masses viewing extremely controversial, inappropriate, or even banned content on TV, without giving them the chance to sensor that content.
Arguably, there is nothing the producers, the hosts, and even the audience hate more than having the innocent children and youth be exposed to scenes with any form of nudity, whether it is partial or full, intentional or accidental. Therefore, in order to protect all sensitive groups from scenes with nudity on live TV, most media houses have set up different measures to be able to protect their viewers from all sorts of inappropriate content.
However, even with all measures in place, some scenes have passed through the cracks and fallen on our TV screens, with some of the most memorable ones being the following 15:
15. Khloe Kardashian (2011)
Kim Kardashian tried breaking the Internet with pictures of her naked body, but it seems like she did not achieve her objective because the Internet is not yet broken. After Kim’s exposure, news of any other Kardashian exposing herself will not surprise anyone, because they all need the attention, right? However, when Khloe Kardashian accidentally exposed, her nipple on live TV on June 7, 2011, at Fox and Friends, it attracted a lot of attention because it was “accidental.” However, in responding to people on Twitter bombarding her with messages, she pointed out how she loved the nip slip and how much she loves nipples.
14. Jennifer Lopez (2011)
Jennifer Lopez is without a doubt one of the best on-stage performers in present day, thanks to her beautiful voice, her wonderful dancing skills, and her stunning beauty. However, despite all the good things we love about her, even J Lo is human and can make some poor choices. Her choice of what to wear for her interview at one of Europe’s most watched Sunday night TV shows Wetten dass…? is one we can be sure of she is not proud of. J Lo’s dress was beautiful and elegant but its low cut made it lose its edge, because when J Lo bent forward slightly, everyone could see her right breast clearly
13. Ashley Judd (1998)
Ashley Judd is one of today’s leading actresses, popularly known for her roles in movies like Olympus Has Fallen, Divergent, Dolphin Tale (1 and 2), and Insurgent among many others. In addition to having a successful acting career spanning over two decades, Ashley is also involved in political activism and numerous humanitarian efforts. However, Ashley is on this list because during the 70th Academy Awards ceremony on March 23, 1998, she revealed too much about herself, to the surprise of the audience at the award ceremony and everyone watching at home. She was walking on stage to get to the microphone, but her beautiful dress with an extremely high slit revealed what undergarment she was NOT wearing. Although even some of the people sitting in the show might have missed this moment, the Internet has provided a way to relive it.
12. Monique Coleman (2006)
Dancing With the Stars is a wonderful dance show on TV that reveals to us just how versatile our celebrities are. The concept of the show is quite interesting, because celebrities and professional dancers are paired together, the couples compete against each other, and a couple is eliminated every week until a winning couple is identified. Before her elimination from the show, Monique Coleman, an actress, singer, dancer, philanthropist and entrepreneur, had a very brief wardrobe malfunction that she was able to manage without interrupting her dance. As her partner, Louis van Amstel, was turning and spinning her around, Monique’s skirt slipped so low that it exposed half of her behind; a sight that hardly anyone watching in the audience or on TV can claim went unnoticed.
11. Nancy Grace (2011)
Dancing involves moving different parts of your body to the sound of music, making it a high-risk activity for wardrobe mishaps, especially if the clothing that a dancer is wearing is not the right fit. Nancy Grace is one more star among many who has shown much more flesh than the audience was looking for, and this happened on live TV. On September 26, 2011, Nancy had a nip slip while on Dancing With the Stars that is eternally etched in every viewer’s mind. The worst part is that because of her embarrassment, she went on to deny that it happened, choosing to ignore all the video evidence captured on camera.
10. Pam Anderson (2013)
Pamela Anderson is a Hollywood star and a Playboy model whose participation in the British show Dancing on Ice was very short but quite revealing. As Pamela was dancing with her partner, her dress could not handle all the moves, a situation that led to the whole world having a glimpse of her breasts. In one way or another, the slip up might have cost them another week in the competition because the judges voted Pamela and her partner off the show. It was a sad ending for Pamela Anderson’s run on the show, and a sad day for her fans who wanted to see a bit more of her.
9. San Francisco 49ers player (2015)
Channel Seven camera crew and sports presenter Angela Cox were busy interviewing Jarryd Hayne in the San Francisco 49ers’ locker room, when they gave their viewers a shock that they are still recovering from up until today. Angela Cox and the camera crew had no idea that one of the San Francisco 49ers players was naked, and all their viewers could see him. Whatever happens in the locker room ought to stay in the locker room, and news reporters gave us too much information. We cannot stress enough just how important it is for news reporters to be careful when they are in locker rooms, because the players have a right to do their thing in privacy.
8. Visanthe Shiancoe: Minnesota Vikings player (2008)
The match between the Minnesota Vikings and the Detroit Lions on December 7, 2008 was a great story to write on the newspapers and to air on TV, especially because the NFL season was almost ending and the clear winners were emerging. However, what NFL fans who were watching the game on TV that day will never forget is not the scores, but what happened after the game. It is the tradition of camera crews to rush to the coaches of the different teams before leaving the pitch or when they get to the locker rooms and get their reactions about the game. On this particular match day, the FOX camera crew went to the Viking’s locker rooms and started recording as the coach was addressing his players after a good game, not realizing that they were displaying Visanthe Shiancoe’s private parts on live TV for the whole world to see.
7. Cincinnati Bengals players (2015)
After any game, regardless how wonderful or how awful the players played, reporters should be patient enough and allow the players to shower and change in peace before storming in. Just as is the case with news reporters everywhere, the NFL Network camera crew rushed into the Cincinnati Bengals locker room for an interview with one of the players immediately after the game. The NFL Network crew was so busy with the interview that they did not notice they were filming naked players as they were changing in the background. The worst part of the story is that the camera crew was filming live, and audiences all over the world could see the naked players in the background. Camera crews could simply try warning the players before recording, and this would save everyone so much trouble.
6. A Weather Girl on Live TV (2015)
When a very beautiful weather girl appears on TV to do her weather segment wearing a very sexy outfit and starts doing jumping jacks, you know at the back of your mind that the news will end on a very high note. Although it is not very clear what station this girl is reporting for, or even the language that she is speaking, this news reporter gave her viewers more than just the weather information they were interested in. Immediately her breasts pop out of her blouse, and the camera crew acted fast, focusing elsewhere to save her the embarrassment. This weather girl will surely think about the consequences before she tries anything like that again.
5. LeBron James (2015)
In addition to being the highest paid basketball player in the NBA, LeBron James is without a doubt one of the best we have today. Therefore, when we read headlines about LeBron, they are almost always related to just how good he is on the court. However, on June 11, 2015, LeBron was all over social media, news websites, and print media because he accidentally showed the world his penis on live TV. Of course, LeBron had no intentions of doing the above; he was just adjusting his shorts while tucking in his shirt. What is even worse is that this was during game four of the NBA finals, meaning that all basketball lovers were most probably watching this game.
4. A Girl’s Blouse Bursts Open During a Live TV Interview (2006)
A certain girl wearing a sexy black top was approached by a camera crew that was asking her a few questions, of which she was responding with so much excitement. Although she is not speaking in English, one can tell that she is one happy girl, who turns to become the most embarrassed girl immediately after her top gives way, revealing both of her breasts on live TV. Her top looked very pretty but it would seem that it was either too small for her or maybe she tied it too tight…
3. Janet Jackson (2004)
Ever heard of Nipplegate? I bet you have. The exposure of Janet Jackson‘s right breast during her duet performance with Justin Timberlake in Houston, Texas is one of the most popular Super Bowl events of all time. The above must also be the most embarrassing moment that Janet Jackson has ever had, especially due to the fact that it was on live TV. Excluding the thousands of fans at the arena watching the halftime entertainment on that day, an estimated 143 million people are said to have watched the incident from their TVs at home. The unfair bit about the whole situation is that Janet Jackson received most if not all the shame and criticism for the mishap, yet it was Justin Timberlake who exposed her breast.
1. Cinthia Fernandez (2011)
Dancing With the Stars (DWTS) is a show that has inspired many shows following the same concept to develop in different countries, although each country does it in their own unique way. The Argentine version of DWTS is called Bailando por un Sueño, and regardless of the fact that it also appears on national TV, nudity in this show is never a bad thing. In one of the episodes in 2011, Cinthia Fernandez was dancing with her partner and both of them got completely naked. Unlike most other cases of nudity on this list, the nudity that resulted by the end of the dance was apparently part of the script. Even weirder is the fact that the above is not the only incident; this show is famous for performances that would best be described as “adult” in nature.
Top 15 Shocking Moments of Nudity on Live TV
Reviewed by Queency

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