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'Legalise cannabis and let doctors do their job' says Mum of severely ill boy

taking cannabis oil to soothe his severe epilepsy today urged the government: "Let doctors do their job!"
The mum of an 11-year-old boy who was
Oliver Snale can have up to 20 violent seizures EVERY DAY, but that had dropped to just one or two when the south Liverpool lad was using the illegal Class B oil.
Now, the youngster's devoted parents Jen and Steve are pleading for the oil to be a prescribed and medicinal drug on the NHS to give their son a better quality of life.
Oliver, who has the mental age of a five-year-old, has severe epilepsy, has severe autism, ADHD and a condition whereby his skin grows too thickly.
And because the Abbot's Lea pupil's condition is "medication resistant", doctors have to change it every few weeks to stave off any dips in his overall health.

Speaking for the first time about Oliver's fight fore survival, mum Jen, 48, told the ECHO: "Doctors can't introduce new medication if he is taking cannabis oil.
"So, we've had to stop it, three weeks ago.
"Sure enough, the number of his seizures has started to rise again.
"The government needs to legalise cannabis oil and let doctors do their job."
A full-time carer for her child, Jen added: "They say they don't know how cannabis oil will interact with the new medication.
"Oliver's condition is inoperable, he will never be seizure free, but it's about giving him the best quality of life.
"I'm going to contact my local MP next week.
"It's just because it's it something else. It's just a name. It won't make a person high.
"I don't know why, but cannabis oil works.
"It would work much better if the NHS was allowed to monitor its use.
"I'm not against Alder Hey at all, they've saved Oliver's life on a few occasions, and I'm eternally grateful, but doctors should be left to do their job."

The calls for cannabis oil come after the Home Office intervened to give a 20-day licence to 12-year-old Billy Caldwell, from Northern Ireland, to use the drug to treat his epilepsy.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid announced a review of the medicinal use of cannabis which could lead to patients in the UK being prescribed drugs derived from the banned plant.
A second child, Alfie Dingley, aged six, was granted a special licence approved for her son to soothe his crippling epilepsy after his mum Hannah Deacon appealed directly to Theresa May.
Jen said: "The use of cannabis oil is under review, but how long will that take?
 "It should be available for all - how can you give out two licences, but not for anyone else?

A petition supporting the legalisation of the drug for patients like Oliver is set to go viral, and now stands at 233,000 signatures.
Two days after they stopped treating him with cannabis oil the 11-year-old had one of his worse ever seizures, leaving him with some of his teeth knocked out.
'Legalise cannabis and let doctors do their job' says Mum of severely ill boy 'Legalise cannabis and let doctors do their job' says Mum of severely ill boy Reviewed by Queency on 16:31:00 Rating: 5