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Judges’ Arrest: Judiciary Workers Union Summons Emergency Meeting

Paul Obi in Abuja

As condemnation continues to trail the arrest of judges and the invasion of senior judges’ houses, the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) has summoned an emergency meeting slated for Tuesday in order to appraise the situation and forge a common front.
The union also declared the action of the Department of State Security (DSS) as unacceptable, stating that even though the body abhors corruption, the nocturnal method and the Gestapo style the security agency adopted was unbecoming in a democratic society and smacks of naked abuse of the rule of the law.

JUSUN described the brutal arrest of the judges, accused of corruption by the DSS, as uncivilised, and called for their unconditional release.
The union said the emergency National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting slated for Tuesday 11, October 2016 will deliberate with a view to taking the next line of action if nothing is done to restore the sanctity of the judiciary as an arm of government.
Judges’ Arrest: Judiciary Workers Union Summons Emergency Meeting Judges’ Arrest: Judiciary Workers Union Summons Emergency Meeting Reviewed by Queency on 18:15:00 Rating: 5