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Man Catches Bus Driver With His Own Wife on their Matrimonial Bed

English: Map locator of Nigeria.
English: Map locator of Nigeria. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
They kept my baby on a chair crying while they were ‘climbing the mountain’ in my room
·  I’m sorry, just that I couldn’t resist him because of the special way he handled me – Wife
Mammoth crowd gath­ered, Tuesday, at the rented apartment of a carpenter, Mr Tun­ji Alao in Suleja, Niger State, mo­ments after he shouted for help to arrest a 52-year old bus driver, Mr Adebayo Adewunmi who was caught pants down, having an af­fair with his wife, Funmi, on their matrimonial bed.
The duo were caught in the act at about 12:14pm with an in­nocent baby belonging to Mr and Mrs Alao, watching the “movie” and crying.
Adebayo was naked, sweating when helpers trooped into Alao’s room. He was struggling to wear his jeans trousers but Alao and his brother were resisting him.
Neighbours and other pas­sers-by who gathered in response to Alao’s call for help stopped Ade­bayo from having access to his dress.
The unlucky man was uncom­fortable, cupping his stretched manhood with his two hands, beg­ging for mercy.
He was in that state for about 15 minutes when men of the Nige­ria Police Force (NPF), Suleja, who were alerted arrived the scene to arrest the culprits.
As the police arrived the scene, more people gathered to catch a glimpse of the naked bus driver who was later whisked off.
But before he was taken away, the crowd that gathered had direct­ed him to pose for different shots using their mobile phones to snap him.
This reporter got various shots, some of which are unprintable.
Alao’s wife, a very beautiful woman, who was on the fat side, was also half naked, sweating at the time they were caught.
She was crying, clutching her baby who innocently watched Adebayo ravage her mother some minutes earlier.
She was also arrested and whisked away by the police.
Tunji Alao and his brother, Seun Alao also joined them at the police station where the matter was formally reported.
Our correspondent who wit­nessed the drama traced them to the police station where all parties explained what actually happened.
Tunji Alao told the police that he had heard rumours about her wife’s adulterous life but that he did not believe it.
“I am a carpenter. I work in sites. Most times, I travel for work. But before I go, I always make sure that I provide my family’s needs.
“So, when I was alerted by, at least, four different persons, all my neighbours that my wife has been coming home with strange men, I found it difficult to believe.
“They told me that one of these men is a bus driver and that he is more regular than others.
“My brother also joined in ped­dling the same rumour. It was at this point that I had an agreement with my brother that we should do something about it.
“So, yesterday evening (Mon­day), I told my wife that I had a job outside Abuja and that I would be away for few days. She didn’t know it was a prank and that I was trying to set trap to catch her if indeed she is engaged in such act.
“Early in the morning, I pre­pared and left home. I didn’t go outside Suleja. At about 12 noon, the driver indeed came with his bus; he came with his conductor.
“I was told on phone by my brother, Seun, that he gave the key to the bus to his conductor who left the scene while the driver entered my room to meet my wife.
“As soon as I got the informa­tion, I rushed back home. Some of my neighbours who had earli­er alerted me came to confirm the information which Seun gave me. I thanked them and walked away.
“Seun and I waited a while be­fore tip-toeing to the entrance door to eavesdrop. Oh my God, my wife was ‘speaking in tongues’ while be­ing ravaged as my baby was heard crying in the same room with them.
“I was mad. I wanted to shout but I restrained myself. Certain an­ger erupted within me and I kicked the door with my leg. With the vio­lent force, the door gave way and I was face to face with a strange man on my wife. Worse still, the abomi­nable act was being committed on my matrimonial bed!
“As the strange man saw me, he was already trying to get up and I jumped at him to hold him. But he struggled to get up, heading to­wards his jeans trousers which we resisted.
“My madam also stood up, made for her wrapper to tie which I initially resisted but on a second thought, I allowed her.
“It was after the bubble had burst that my madam could hear the cry of her baby. She went for her and brought out her breast as if she wanted to feed her.
“Seun and I held on to the strange man caught in my room as he attempted to wear his clothe. When he was getting strong­er, I shouted for help and people trooped to the room.
“Both culprits were begging but neighbours insisted that the man must not go scot-free.
“Of course, Seun had also ar­ranged for police who came in to arrest the culprits.
“I was told that this is not the first time he did it. I learnt he is a regular ‘customer’.
“Unfortunately, I married Fun­mi not just because she is pretty but because of sympathy I had for her.
“She was married before; she had two kids in the marriage. She was caught sleeping with another man in the first marriage and was sent packing.
“She told me her story. She explained that she was always at home doing nothing and that an idle hand could be a devil’s work­shop.
“Her story moved me and I promised to marry her and em­power her. She is presently an ap­prentice in a hairdressing salon. I thought she won’t do it again. But it appears it is in her blood,” he nar­rated.
Adebayo who was looking so­ber said he hails from Abeokuta in Ogun State and that he is settled with his family in Gwagwa, Abuja.
He admitted that Funmi was her mistress but that he agreed to date her because she told him that she was not in any man’s house.
“I have been going to her house really when my job schedule is light. I didn’t know she is married.
“If you enter her room, there is no sign that any man is living with her. I am so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have continued with this relationship. My family will be dis­appointed with me if they get to know about this.
“I ask for mercy. It won’t hap­pen again now that I know her cor­rect status,” he begged.
When it was the turn of Funmi to explain, she said she would like to make some confession privately.
But she apologised to her hus­band, first, for what happened and begged for mercy, saying it would not happen again.
However, while making her private confession, she told the po­lice officer interrogating her that it was actually not her fault having extra-marital affairs.
She said that what attracted her to the man in question were two: the size of his organ and the special way he handled her on bed which she could not get from her husband.
She said she was embarrassed with what happened and had learnt her lessons from the incident.
The culprits were detained for few hours before they were re­leased after Tunji told the police that they would resolve the mat­ter amicably.
The Authority on Saturday however learnt, as at the time of fil­ing this report that Tunji had sent his wife packing.
Man Catches Bus Driver With His Own Wife on their Matrimonial Bed Man Catches Bus Driver With His Own Wife on their Matrimonial Bed Reviewed by Queency on 07:30:00 Rating: 5