Breaking News

Military alerts Nigerians on new tactic of terrorists

The Nigerian Military authorities, on Thursday, alerted Nigerians and others that they had discovered that the Boko Haram terrorists, in their determination to continue letting off bombs, had resorted to masquerading as fruits and vegetable vendors wheeling improvised explosive devices (IEDs) as groceries into crowded areas.
The terrorists, according to the military authourities, now hide such explosives under vegetable wares in carts and wheel-arrows and move to crowded places where they detonate them to cause huge damage to life and property.
The Acting Director, Defence Information, Brig-Gen Rabe Abubakar, confirmed this in a statement in Abuja.

Military alerts Nigerians on new tactic of terrorists  Military alerts Nigerians on new tactic of terrorists Reviewed by Queency on 17:56:00 Rating: 5