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Hitman Reboot Will Be a Fully Episodic Game

Hopefully, the game will actually stick to its schedule in regards to its episodic releases.

After canceling all pre-orders for the game a couple of days ago, Square Enix has announced that the new Hitman reboot will be a fully episodic game. The episodes will consist of add-ons which add new locations and assassination contracts, presumably with all of the episodes telling an overarching story along the way.
The release date previously scheduled still remains on the 11th of March, but only the intro pack that includes a prolog mission and the Paris map will be included. The price of this first initial game is rather small, marked at $15, with each subsequent add-on coming at the cost of $10.
The full game, or at least, all of the missions and locations from this first year of 2016, can be purchased fully for $60, but don’t expect to get them all at once. This option is extremely similar to a yearly season pass, just like how Destiny planned its DLCs.
The locations which will be made available along the way are Paris, Italy, scheduled for April, Morocco in May, Thailand, US, and Japan over the course of the year. The final mission that will end the story, or, at least, the story for the first year, will hit the market in the later months of 2016, featuring the Japan map.
If players want to try their hands at assassinating, with the next step being an upgrade to the so-called “Full Experience”, the season pass, the upgrade will be available for $50. It seems like Hitman, or, at least, the Intro version, will be fairly similar to Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes. But, in comparison to Konami;s fairly uninspired move of selling what was basically a demo for $40, Hitman’s approach is far better.
For those that want a physical copy of the game, one will be made available at the end of the year, once all of the add-ons have been launched. Some parties advise this to be the most beneficial move if you would want to step in Agent 47’s shoes, because, at that point, the game will be fully complete, allowing you to check on reviews. By doing this, you will not be surprised if, for instance, the first two episodes are great while the rest are far below average, something that tends to happen with episodic releases.
Along with the news that the new Hitman reboot will be a fully episodic game, a closed beta for the PS4 was also announced. Gamers that pre-order the Full Experience season pass version or the $15 Intro Pack will be able to participate in the beta phase of the game which starts on the 19th of February.
Hitman Reboot Will Be a Fully Episodic Game Hitman Reboot Will Be a Fully Episodic Game Reviewed by Queency on 16:56:00 Rating: 5