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Taiwan Church Builds ENORMOUS Glass Slipper From Cinderella — Find Out Why!

No Disney princess could fit her gams in this thing!
A church in Taiwan has built a 55-foot high glass slipper — clearly modeled loosely off the one in Cinderella — that they are using to… attract more women?!

The slipper, pictured above, is made of 320 tinted glass panels and cost the church well over half a million bucks to put together, but they're doing it to try to attract attention for pre-wedding photo shoots and wedding ceremonies!

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Pan Tsuei-ping, an administrator with a local tourist organization that came up with the idea to build the VERY high heel, told reporters:

"In our planning, we want to make it a blissful, romantic avenue … Every girl imagines how they will look like when they become the bride."
Apparently, the church is going to cater to women with all kinds of different things, as government spokesman Zheng Rongfeng told reporters:
"There will be 100 female-oriented features in the church like maple leaves, chairs for lovers, biscuits and cakes. It will be tailored to women, especially female tourists visiting the area."
Hmm… inneresting!

But why Cinderella, anyways?
Legend has it that back in the 1960s, a local girl who was set to be married in the area lost both her legs to a disease, and her wedding was cancelled.
She never married, and spent her entire life at the church. The slipper is, apparently, something to honor her memory.
A shoe for a woman with no legs? We'll take your word for it, we guess!
Taiwan Church Builds ENORMOUS Glass Slipper From Cinderella — Find Out Why! Taiwan Church Builds ENORMOUS Glass Slipper From Cinderella — Find Out Why! Reviewed by Queency on 08:11:00 Rating: 5