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Man finds woman’s phone, goes on her Tinder and leaves creepiest Facebook post ever

Okay, so this guy gets big points for handing in a woman’s phone he found on a train in Australia. 
But he instantly had them deducted for the creepy Facebook post he left on her wall.
The man, known only as Luke, stumble across Monica Cook’s phone at Edgecliff Train Station.
He then hacked into it by guessing the pass code which was ‘an easy guess’.
It didn’t stop there.

He accessed her Tinder, found himself and swiped right.
Just read it for yourself, and embrace the goosebumps.

This Facebook post is...

  • The definition of creepy
  • Funny
Man finds woman’s phone, goes on her Tinder and leaves creepiest Facebook post ever Man finds woman’s phone, goes on her Tinder and leaves creepiest Facebook post ever Reviewed by Queency on 15:06:00 Rating: 5