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Nigeria sentences 10 to hangings

Nigeria sentences 10 to hangings

A Shariah high court in Nigeria's northern Kano city has sentenced a Muslim cleric and nine others to death by hanging for blasphemy.
The court of Islamic law made the ruling on Tuesday against cleric Abdulaziz Dauda and nine others, saying they also incited people to perpetuate religious violence.
Those who filed the suit against Dauda say he equated the Prophet Muhammad with the late leader of another religious order during a public gathering in Kano in August.
Prosecutor Lamido Abba Sorondinki said the accused were found guilty after five witnesses, including police, testified against the cleric.
The 10 have the right to seek redress at an upper appellate court.
A moderate version of Shariah is practised alongside Western-style justice in the mainly Muslim northern states.
Nigeria sentences 10 to hangings Nigeria sentences 10 to hangings Reviewed by Queency on 07:00:00 Rating: 5